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Downloaded Document Compression

Downloading Signed Documents

When clients download a finalised bundle from FuseSign with more than one document, we use a common practice called “file zipping” to collate signed documents into a single .zip file. This process has several advantages that benefit both you, the recipients, and the efficiency of file transfers:

  • Simplified Client Experience: By providing a single file to download, rather than multiple download links for individual document (which is the alternative), recipients have a simpler, more efficient signing experience.

  • File Size Reduction and Faster Downloads: Compressing multiple documents into a zipped folder reduces the overall file size, making it faster and more economical for recipients to download— especially for those with slower or limited internet connections.

  • Security Benefits: Zipping files can enhance security by preventing the accidental opening of sensitive documents. When clients receive a zipped folder, they are less likely to unintentionally open a file they shouldn't or expose confidential information.

  • Reduced Risk of File Loss: With a zipped file, there's a lower risk of accidentally losing one or more documents during the download process. Recipients are less likely to overlook or misplace individual files.

  • File Organization: Zipped folders can help keep the files organized. Instead of multiple loose documents, recipients receive a single container with all the necessary files. This can be especially useful when bundles contain a large amount of documents.

  • Reduced Risk of File Corruption: Zipping files can reduce the risk of file corruption during the download process. When multiple files are downloaded individually, there's a higher chance of data corruption, which zipping helps mitigate.

  • Industry Best Practice: When it comes to cloud-based file transfers, this type of compression aligns with industry best practice, for the reasons listed above.

Unzipping Files

Both Windows OS and Mac/iOS can natively handle .zip files, meaning that clients can open them without the need for any special software. The documents within the compressed zip file can be unzipped (expanded/extracted) following the below methods:

  • Windows OS (XP and above):

    • To unzip a single document, open the zipped folder, then drag the file or folder from the zipped folder to a new location.

    • To unzip all the contents of the zipped folder, right-click the folder, select Extract All, and then follow the instructions.

  • Mac OS (all versions):

    • Double-click the zipped folder

  • iOS (13 and above)

    • Open the Files app, then tap the zipped folder or archive from which you want to extract

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